Brake & Clutch Fluid Valvoline VE58024

Manufacturer Valvoline
Part number VE58024
Volume, l 1
Packaging length, mm 226
Packaging thickness, mm 65
Packaging width, mm 100
Weight, g 950
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 5.1
Brake & Clutch Fluid DOT 5.1 is specially used in hydraulic brake systems of passenger cars, trucks and other vehicles operating in the most difficult conditions, e.g., on races, in mountain regions, with frequent stops and starts, etc. It is suitable for cars with ABS and ASR. Use it without dilution, pour from a new or tightly closed vessel. It is mandatory to close the vessel right after top-up as the fluid absorbs moisture and air which significantly reduces the product service life. Never use the drained brake fluid repeatedly. The brake fluid can damage the paint-and-lacquer coating of the car that is why immediately remove the spilled fluid not rubbing it in the surface. Replace the brake fluid each two years or 40 000 km (24 000 miles). Check details in your auto operational manual.
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