BRAKE FLUID Felix 4606532003852

Manufacturer Felix
Part number 4606532003852
Volume, l 0.5
Packaging length, mm 360
Packaging thickness, mm 160
Packaging width, mm 270
Weight, g 515
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 3
Specifications SAE J1703
Dry boiling point, °C 220
Wet boiling point, °C 145
FELIX DOT 3 is a brake fluid for brake systems and hydraulic clutches of modern foreign and domestic cars. It comprises fractions of ethers of polyglycols ensuring good lubricating properties of the fluid and smooth movement of the pistons in the brake cylinders. Efficient brake system protection. High boiling temperature and optimum viscosity at low temperatures. Warranty of failure-free brake system operation at a wide temperature range. It meets the following international standards: FMVSS 116, ISO 4925, SAE J1703. It is compatible with DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids.
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