BRAKE FLUID Ravenol 4014835692152

Manufacturer Ravenol
Part number 4014835692152
Volume, l 0.5
Packaging length, mm 165
Packaging thickness, mm 75
Packaging width, mm 75
Weight, g 630
Type of the container Bottle
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 4
Specifications SAE J1703
Specifications JIS K2233
RAVENOL DOT 4 is a top-quality brake fluid made in Germany based on the mixture of high-molecular ethers of Borium acid with highly efficient anti-oxidative additives, corrosion inhibitors and additives preventing swell of gaskets and elastomers. Application: RAVENOL DOT 4 brake fluid is used in brake systems of cars requiring brake fluids of the quality level FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard) # 116 DOT3 and DOT4. It is not allowed to mix RAVENOL DOT 4 brake fluid with the fluids for brake systems on the mineral basis, e.g., Citroen LHM+. Application. RAVENOL DOT 4 ensures efficient brake system protection against corrosion; excellent transfer of the brake force during all the service life; prevention of swell of gaskets and seals; reliable performance of ABS. Approvals and specifications: SAE J 1703; FMVSS 116 DOT 4; ISO 4925; JIS K2233.
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