Racing Brake Fluid R 325+ Ravenol 4014835817456

Manufacturer Ravenol
Part number 4014835817456
Volume, l 0.5
Packaging length, mm 165
Packaging thickness, mm 75
Packaging width, mm 75
Weight, g 650
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 4|DOT 5.1
Specifications SAE J1703|J1704
Composition Synthetic
brake fluid, specially developed for high thermal loads, DOT 4 quality level. The composition is based on the high-quality glycol-ester technology. A specially selected set of additives guarantees safety at high temperatures and extreme loads. It has a high boiling temperature which is ideally suitable for using the fluid in vehicles operating in the conditions of sport competitions (car and motorcycle). It ensures the highest values in severe racing conditions. High stability at high temperatures. Approvals and specifications: FMVSS 116 DOT-4,FMVSS 116 DOT-5.1,SAE J1703,SAE J1704
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