Premium Brake Fluid MAG 1 MGNBF126

Manufacturer MAG 1
Part number MGNBF126
Volume, l 0.345
Weight, g 334
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 3|DOT 4
Specifications SAE J1703
DOT 4 BRAKE FLUID. Application. It is suitable for disc and drum brake systems which have recommendations for DOT 4 or DOT 3 fluids. Benefits: • It ensures maximum protection, moisture resistance and lubrication of all disc and drum brake systems. • It ensures additional strength redundancy of the brake system. It meets the requirements of FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard) No. 116 (DOT3), SAE J1703 Storage and disposal conditions. Use only for the intended purpose. Avoid skin contact. If on the skin, thoroughly wash with water and soap. Do not drain to the sewage and on the ground. It must be disposed as toxic waste. Keep out of the reach of children.
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