BRAKE FLUID Gulf 5056004170480

Manufacturer Gulf
Part number 5056004170480
Volume, l 0.25
Packaging length, mm 290
Packaging thickness, mm 150
Packaging width, mm 160
Weight, g 285
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 4
Specifications SAE J1703
Gulf Super Brake Fluid DOT 4. A high-quality poly-glycol-based brake fluid is specially developed for hydraulic brake systems of passenger cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles requiring DOT 4 fluids, including the ones with anti-lock braking systems and various electronic stabilization programs. Features and benefits. The boiling temperature reduces the impact of the absorbed moisture and ensures reliable brake system performance. Highly efficient corrosion inhibitors and anti-oxidative additives prevent oxidation at high temperatures and ensure reliable lubrication and excellent protection from corrosion of metal parts of the brake system. High fluidity at low temperatures ensures continuous brake system performance in extremely low temperatures. It is fully compatible with all sealing materials and metals of brake systems requiring DOT 4 brake fluids. Application. It is recommended for hydraulic brake systems o vehicles and motorcycles requiring DOT 4 fluids. It can be used in hydraulic brake systems requiring DOT 3 or SAE J 1703 fluids. Remarks: DOT 4 brake fluids must not be used in the mixed condition or instead of silicone DOT 5 or DOT 5.1 brake fluids (where such fluids are recommended). Presence of dirt and water particles in the brake fluid may influence its performance and lead to the brake system failure. Brake fluids damage paint-and-lacquer coatings. If it happens, immediately remove the brake fluid with a dry cloth by soaking it (without wiping). It complies with FMVSS 116 DOT 4; SAE J 1703; ISO 4925
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