React Performance Castrol 15038A

Manufacturer Castrol
Part number 15038A
Volume, l 5
Packaging length, mm 300
Packaging thickness, mm 115
Packaging width, mm 250
Weight, g 5000
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 4
Specifications SAE J1703|J1704
Dry boiling point, °C 180
Wet boiling point, °C 260
Composition Synthetic
Specifications ISO-4925 Class 4
Specifications JIS K2233
Castrol React Performance DOT 4 brake fluid is specially developed as an alternative for high-temperature properties of DOT 5.1 fluids. Margin of properties of this fluid is an additional benefit in the situations when a car is used in extreme conditions and requires perfect response of the brake system. Castrol React Performance DOT 4 brake fluid is made by a modern technology based on the mixture of glycol ethers and Borium-contained ethers. The fluid composition is developed so that its boiling temperature reaches much higher values than traditional brake fluids based on glycol ethers while the product is used. Castrol React Performance DOT 4 is specially developed to ensure stability of some properties at the constant start-stop mode in cities, fast driving and mountain driving when the brake system can become hot. The fluid is fully compatible with other fluids meeting FMVSS 116 DOT 3, DOT 4, and DOT 5.1 specifications. Nevertheless, in order to save the exceptional performance properties of this product, avoid mixing it with other brake fluids. All usual brake fluids deteriorate while being used. It is strongly recommended to replace Castrol React Performance DOT 4 following the guidelines of vehicle manufacturers. If there are no such guidelines, it is recommended to replace the fluid once per 2 years. Castrol React Performance DOT 4 brake fluid must not be used in brake systems requiring mineral-based fluids (e.g., some Citroen systems which require Castrol LHM, and Rolls Royce which has an approval for Castrol HSMO Plus). Specifications: FMVSS 116 DOT 4; ISO 4925 Class 4; JIS K2233; SAE J1703; SAE J1704
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