BRAKE FLUID Liqui Moly 8061

Manufacturer Liqui Moly
Part number 8061
Volume, l 0.25
Packaging length, mm 145
Packaging thickness, mm 45
Packaging width, mm 66
Weight, g 316
Manufacturing country Germany
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 5.1
Specifications SAE J1703|J1704
OEM specifications CUNA NC 956-01
Composition Synthetic
Brake Fluid DOT 5.1 brake fluid. Synthetic brake fluid based on glycol ethers, alkylene-poly-glycolene and poly-glycol ethers. It comprises inhibitors preventing corrosion of metal parts of the brake system and significantly reducing the oxidation process in high-temperature conditions. It is specially developed to extend the service life of structural elements of hydraulic brake and clutch systems of cars. It is especially suitable for ABS. It reliably lubricates all moving parts of the brake system. It can be mixed and is compatible with high-quality synthetic brake fluids (except silicone). Application. It is recommended to replace the brake fluid following the instructions of vehicle manufacturers. The maximum service life of the brake fluid is guaranteed only if it is not mixed with other brake fluids. Compliance and approvals: SAE J 1703, J 1704; ISO 4 925; CUNA NC 956-01 & FMVSS 5 71. 116 DOT 5.1
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