SBrake Fenox SBF4010

Manufacturer Fenox
Part number SBF4010
Volume, l 1
Packaging length, mm 125
Packaging thickness, mm 105
Packaging width, mm 125
Weight, g 1000
Manufacturing country Belarus
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 4
Dry boiling point, °C 230
Wet boiling point, °C 155
FENOX SBrake brake fluid is made using a number of modern additives ensuring necessary properties. FENOX technologies. • Thermo Tolerance substances prevent over-heating of the brake fluid and keep its properties constant at a wide temperature range from - 65C to +230C. That is the reason why FENOX SBrake DOT4 brake fluid is recommended by leading car makers for the use in any climate zones. • The unique MSV (Minimal and Stable Viscosity) additive ensures the optimum viscosity of the brake fluid which does not exceed 1100 mm2/s at an all the temperature range which ensures quick, accurate and failure-free brake force transfer. • The system of anti-corrosive and water-absorption-preventing additives CSF (Cooling System Friendly) reliably protects the brake system from destructive corrosion impacts and neutralizes moisture appearing in the brake fluid. • The set of inhibitors RSD (Rubber Stop Destruction) protects rubber elements of the automotive brake system from wear and swell and preserves their elasticity at extremely low temperatures. • Viscosity at - 40C max 1100 mm2/s. • Boiling temperatures is > 230C. • Wet fluid boiling temperature is 155C.
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