REACT LOW TEMP Castrol 1581B4

Manufacturer Castrol
Part number 1581B4
Volume, l 0.5
Weight, g 485
Manufacturing country United Kingdom
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 4
Specifications SAE J1703|J1704
OEM specifications VW TL 776-Z
Specifications ISO-4925 Class 6
DOT 4 brake fluid with the decreased viscosity. Excellent properties at low temperatures for modern brake systems with ABS and ESP. This brake fluid is specially developed for the conditions when low viscosity at low temperatures is required. A number of car makers requires low-viscosity brake fluids which is required to ensure the reliable performance of the ABS and brake systems with electronic control. Features and benefits. Thanks to the optimum combination of low viscosity at low temperatures with excellent high-temperature properties, reliable performance of the brake system is ensures at a wide temperature range which is especially important in extreme conditions. Specifications: SAE J1703, SAE J1704; FMVSS 116 DOT 3 and DOT 4; iSO 4925 category 6; JiS K2233 ; VW TL776-Z
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