BRAKE FLUID Ravenol 4014835692213

Manufacturer Ravenol
Part number 4014835692213
Volume, l 1
Packaging length, mm 200
Packaging thickness, mm 92
Packaging width, mm 92
Weight, g 1215
Type of the container Bottle
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 5.1
Specifications SAE J1703
RAVENOL DOT 5.1 brake fluid is used in all brake systems of cars with ABS. It is a chemically stable product without petroleum and with a special set of additives ensuring a high lubricating property. RAVENOL DOT 5.1 meets and exceeds SAE J 1703, ISO 4925 FMVSS 116 DOT 5.1 specifications. Application: It is used in all automotive brake systems requiring the fluids of DOT-5.1 quality level. It is also suitable for all hydraulic brake systems together with synthetic fluids. RAVENOL DOT 5.1 can be mixed with all fluids of the same class. Application. RAVENOL DOT 5.1 ensures: Optimum ABS operation; Chemical stability; High lubricating property; Neutral to brake system elements; Good fluidity at low temperatures; Mixable with all fluids of the same class. Approvals and specifications: SAE J1703; ISO 4925; FMVSS 116 DOT 5.1.
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