Antifreeze Extra Aral 91827

Manufacturer Aral
Part number 91827
Volume, l 1
Weight, g 1207
Type of the container Plastic canister
OEM specifications BS 6580|MAN 324 Type NF|MB 325.0|VW TL-774C (G11)
Freezing temperature, °C -40
ASTM specifications D3306|D4985
It is used in the engine cooling systems for protection against freezing and corrosion. It guarantees high protection of all the metal parts of the engine cooling system. It is not aggressive to rubber items. The starting temperature of the fluid freezing is -40C. Specifications/Approvals: VW TL 774C = G 11; Liebherr, Opel 2001, Porsche, Saab, Volvo, Rover, Scania; BS 6580 ; BWB /TL 6850-0038/1; ASTM D 4985-89 , ..D 3306; BMW; MAN 324 type NF; MB 325.0; Deutz; MTU
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