Wynn's W45201

Manufacturer Wynn's
Part number W45201
Volume, l 0.25
Type Summer
Weight, g 200
Manufacturing country Lithuania
Type of the container Bottle
Anti-Insect Screen-Wash is a highly concentrated washing fluid for the windscreen washing system. Properties: It cleans windscreens and headlights from insects, the greasy film and other contaminants. It does not damage lacquer and rubber. It does not leave streaks on paint-and-lacquer coatings of a car body. It does not cause glare on glasses. Thanks to the high concentration, the product is used heavily diluted with water (1/20). Application: For any windscreen washers of cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles. Instructions: Add 1 part of the washer in 20 parts of water (about 50 ml of the washer for 1 liter of water) into the windscreen washer tank.
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