Liqui Moly 7611

Manufacturer Liqui Moly
Part number 7611
Volume, l 0.25
Type Summer
Packaging length, mm 207
Packaging thickness, mm 49
Packaging width, mm 49
Weight, g 300
Manufacturing country Germany
Type of the container Bottle
Scheiben-Reiniger-Super Konzentrat — super-concentrated glass washer (apple). It helps quickly and efficiently clean the glasses. It improves view and makes driving safer. It removes insect marks, oil and silicone. It lubricates seals of the windscreen washer pump. It has citrus scent. It is phosphate-free, biodegradable. It is diluted with water 1:100. Application. It is added in the windscreen washer tank in summer. 50 ml of the concentrate for 5 liters of water, 250 ml - for 25 liters of water. Store at positive temperatures.
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