Pingo 00786-5

Manufacturer Pingo
Part number 00786-5
Volume, l 0.25
Type Summer
Weight, g 250
Manufacturing country Germany
Type of the container Bottle
Add it into the windscreen washer tank (concentration 1:100). Description: It quickly and efficiently cleans the glass from road dirt, oily spots and insect marks. It does not leave streaks, drips and a cloudy film and ensures safe and comfortable driving. It eliminates lime deposits from the windscreen washer system and prevents clogging of the hoses and distributing nozzles. It has a natural pleasant smell. The bottle is equipped with a special dosimeter. Instruction: Dilute the concentrate with water in the proportion of 1:100 (50 ml of the cleaner (two dosimeters) and 5 liters of water). Pour the diluted solution into the windscreen washer tank. Safety measures: The comprised substances are bio-degradable. Do not give to children. Prevent contact with eyes. Keep away from frosts!
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