Gasket sealant Abro 13-AB-CH-R-S

Manufacturer Abro
Part number 13-AB-CH-R-S
Volume, l 0.085
Type Sealant
Type of the container Tube
Colour Transparent
Multi-purpose gasket sealants Blue, Red, Clear, Black are used for repair or replacement of almost all possible gaskets in cars. ABRO sealant can take any form and successfully sustain pressing, stretching, and shearing. It does not damage under the impacts of car oils, water, and anti-freeze. ABRO sealant has high resistance to gasoline and brake fluids. This softer sealant for gaskets Blue, the same as Clear and Black, is used at the temperatures up to 260°C, while the sealant for gaskets Red is developed for the higher temperatures up to 343°C. Application. 1. Remove the left parts of the old gasket and thoroughly clean the surface. 2. Remove the cap, pierce through the protective foil and screw the attached probe. 3. Cut the end of the probe to get the hole of a necessary diameter. 4. Apply the gasket sealant on the whole contact surface, thus making a layer of 2 - 3 mm of thickness. Leave the holes for the fixing bolts. 5. Let it dry up for 10 minutes before the installation. The complete drying of the formed gasket is in 24 hours. Composition: silicon dioxide, distillates.
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