Tyre sealants Motul 102990

Manufacturer Motul
Part number 102990
Volume, l 0.3
Type Tyre care products
Packaging length, mm 228
Packaging thickness, mm 170
Packaging width, mm 225
Weight, g 3564
Manufacturing country France
Purpose Repairing and inflating tubed and tubeless wheels
Type of the container aerosol
It repairs and pumps tubed and tubeless wheels. Spray. Application. Any tubed and tubeless automotive and motorcycle tyres. Features. It restores and inflates wheels without disassembly and tools. It is based on latex - it does not damage the tyre and the tube. MOTUL Tyre Repair aerosol is under very high pressure which ensures complete inflation of all types of the wheels. The 2nd bottle may be required for the wheels wider than 15''. It ensures driving many hundreds of kilometers before the wheel is repaired in a traditional way. The aluminum bottle is knock-resistant. Application recommendations. Remove the object that has caused the puncture. Turn the wheel so that the tyre valve core is located on the upper part of the wheel. Fully discharge the left air. Thoroughly shake MOTUL Tyre Repair. Warm up in hands or near the engine in cold weather. Remove dirt from the tyre valve core. Screw MOTUL Tyre Repair. Remove the cotter. Turn the bottle upside down. Press the button until the wheel is fully inflated. Drive 10 - 20 km on a medium speed for better product distribution. Control the pressure within the next days. Finish inflation if it is necessary.
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